Sports Betting in the Philippines | How to Bet on Sports Events

Milyon88 Sports Betting

Sports betting in the Philippines is an extremely popular betting option in the Philippines, mainly thanks to both EPL football betting and NBA betting. Many Filipinos are natural sports fans and they typically take things further by betting on matches to try and show support to their favorite teams and athletes. Bettors also love betting on certain esports tournaments, namely Dota, League of Legends, CS2, and Valorant games.

Sports Betting Options at Milyon88

Basketball match

Most Filipinos naturally love sports and younger bettors typically love both physical and esports so a large number of Filipinos can confidently bet on sports events. The different sports that bettors can bet on are the following:

  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball
  • Boxing
  • CS2
  • League of Legends
  • Dota 2
  • Valorant

These games are some of the most popular in the country and will typically the ones that bettors will place bets on. Making bets here becomes even more exciting when players watch the games after placing bets or place live bets while watching the matches.

The bets that players will typically be one of the following:

Different Sports Betting Markets at Milyon88

Sports betting on Milyon88 allows you to bet on potential outcomes in a match. The most common is predicting who will win while more niche markets has you guessing how a match will end or how many points will be scored. Some betting markets are good for beginners and are profitable, while others are terrible for casual bettors.

Milyon88 sports bettors will have access to different betting markets, which are essentially the outcomes they can bet on. Sports betting is more than betting on which one will win and bettors can spice things up through certain bets.



The 1X2 or moneyline market is a sports betting market focusing on which team or player will win a single match. 1X2 essentially means the following:

  • 1 – Home team/player wins
  • X – Draw
  • 2 – Away team/player wins

Moneyline is essentially the same as 1X2 but some sports don’t typically allow draws and instead resolve matches through overtime so Moneyline becomes a 2-way bet on whether one team or the other wins.

The odds on soccer matches typically include 1X2 on Full Time and Half Time formats, allowing bettors to bet only on the first half of a match if they’re more confident on the outcome of the first half and not. In some matches, the draw option is taken out for the Draw No Bet market wherein a draw pushes at the cost of lower payouts. Additionally, a handicap variation of 1X2 is available where the underdog starts off with an imaginary score so that even if they lose, they technically win if their total score plus their set imaginary score is higher than the favorite’s.

Moneyline kills

In esports betting, Moneyline can also focus on betting on which team will have the most kills in a game.

1X2 and moneyline are essentially the most basic sports bets anyone can make.

Double Chance

Double Chance

Double Chance is a betting market similar to 1X2 since this focuses on the outcome on which team will win. This, however, covers two outcomes per bet to lower the bettor’s chances of losing at the cost of lower payouts. The different bets are the following:

  • 1X or Home or Draw
  • X2 or Draw or Away
  • 12 or Home or Away

Beginners and unsure bettors can stick to this and win small amounts of money until they get used to betting and move to harder markets.



The Over/Under betting market is a goal/based betting market that’s fairly easier to win in than moneyline betting. The match winner won’t affect this bet and guessing how many goals are made is usually easier than guessing who the winner is.

Bettors can bet on the following:

  • Over/Under 1.5
  • Over/Under 2
  • Over/Under 3
  • Over/Under 3.5
  • Over/Under 4.5

Betting on Over/Under 3 and the match ending on a total of three goals being made will result in a push.

Over/Under is also available in esports betting focusing on the total number of kills made per match.



Odd/Even is similar to Over/Under, except that this is harder to win in since two high scoring soccer teams still have a 50/50 chance of scoring odd or even total scores.

Both Teams to Score

Both Teams to Score

The Both Teams to score market is fairly easy to win in since bettors will only bet whether or not both teams will be able to score at least one point. A game ending in zero goals or only one goal being made will result in “No” winning. If both teams make at least one goal each, then “Yes” wins.

Correct Score

Correct Score is a hard goal-based betting market to win in where players will need to bet on. Bettors will need to guess the correct score each team will make in a match to win and the bet loses even if one team is only off one score.

Correct Score

The odds in Correct Score are typically high due to how unlikely the outcomes are to happen and how hard it is to guess the correct score. Still, lucky gamblers will be rewarded a good amount. Correct Score can have up to 26 betting options with AOS or “Any Other Scores” being an option when a team scores more points than the scores present in the available betting options.

Total Goals

Total Goals

Total Goals is a betting market similar to Correct Score, except this doesn’t focus on which team makes a certain score and instead focuses on the total number of goals both teams will make. In Pinnacle, the available bets for this market are the following:

  • 0-1
  • 2-3
  • 4-6
  • 7+

An Exact Total Goals market also exists which is fairly easier than Correct Score since bettors only need to guess the total number of goals without accounting for how many each team will score. Bettors can also bet on the Exact Total Goals of only one team.

Alternatively, bettors can bet on the total goals ONE specific team will make instead of the two’s total. This can be easier at times when players know the playstyle of both teams and whether one can effectively score goals against the other.

Exact Total Goals is also available which works the same as the standard Total Goals except bettors are guessing the score range.


Half-time/Full-time is a significantly difficult market that’s nearly the same as 1X2, except that bettors will be guessing the outcome for both half-time and full-time. Bettors will need to guess which team will win in the first half AND the entire match to win this bet, which is rather difficult since a winner in the first half can lose bad in the entire match.

Half Time/Full Time

The different bets available are the following:

  • HH – Home win and Home win
  • HD – Home win and Draw
  • HA – Home win and Away win
  • DH – Draw and Home win
  • DD – Draw and Draw
  • DA – Draw and Away win
  • AH – Away win and Home win
  • AD – Away win and Draw
  • AA – Away win and Away win

In depth research on the participating teams is necessary to have a chance to win in this betting market.


Outright betting is fairly hard to win in when there’s no clear favorite. This bet mainly focuses on which team will win an entire tournament out of the multitudes of teams participating in the event. The shortest odds are typically the team that’s considered the favorite while those with long odds are the underdogs.


The odds in Outright betting can change, depending on how far along the tournament is when the bettor made the bet. Some of the biggest wins in sports betting are Outright bets on long odds before sportsbooks adjusted them to reflect newer and more accurate odds when the underdog suddenly performed well and ended up winning the entire tournament.

Sometimes, luck is all a bettor needs to win at Outright Betting.

Live Milyon88 Sports Betting

The odds on the different betting markets mentioned above can change depending on how a match goes. Previously long odds can become short as the game progresses and certain bettors can take advantage of this to be able to bet with more certainty and win, even being able to take advantage of certain odds before sportsbooks can change them.

Starcraft match

Live betting is possible by navigating to “Live” or “In-play” and bettors will be able to bet depending on how a match goes. Bettors can even watch a match live to analyze how a game goes and decide how they’ll bet based on real-time information.

Live sports betting is by far better when bettors actually watch a match instead of just checking the odds.


The most popular sports in the Philippines are basketball, boxing, and volleyball. Soccer is also fairly popular.

Yes, because bettors can have access to real-time information and make more informed predictions than when placing early bets. Additionally, certain bettors can take advantage of odds before they’re changed.

Yes. Most Filipinos are gamers anyway and have plenty of experience playing Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, and Valorant.


The Philippine sports betting scene is quite popular as many bettors are natural sports fans. These fans typically know the ins and outs of certain teams and athletes and are able to make informed decisions on how they’ll perform in a match.

If you’re one of those sports fans, try out betting on sports at Milyon88. We have a wide range of sports betting options you can access through our sportsbooks.